SINCE 2013

Leadership, coaching, high performance team development, and organizational culture.

Achieve your purpose and develop the highest potential of your organization.

From Querétaro, Mexico, but with an international vocation, the specialists that make up Hagakure develop solutions for clients in the private and public sectors, international organizations, and NGOs.

Hagakure - Lo oculto bajo las hojas

Hidden under the leaves

In Hagakure we honor what the Japanese word and we go one step forward:

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No matter where you are our team is ready to work with you in Spanish, English, German, or French.

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Systemic approach + sustainable goals
We design tailored processes to set the whole system into action towards the transformation goals you want to achieve.
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Inner Team Approach

Empower the strategic leader within, capable of choosing the tactics and the best players to win in any scenario.

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ICF International Endorsement
Our international certification programs in coaching accredited by ICF.


Our community was created by Laura Fierro Evans, MCC to promote lifelong learning to support our clients in reaching 


To contribute building a new mindset, in which all the voices of a system are listened to and are being listened; in which the wills align towards achieving a common goal and in which collaboration and caring for each other constitue the prevailing spirit.


  • Appreciating each different voice within a system.
  • Caring for relationships.
  • Collaboration.
  • Accountability.
  • Being the example of what we want to see in others..

Laura Fierro Evans

She specializes in developing leaders without borders that support their teams.
Laura Fierro - Creadora de Hagakure

Laura Fierro Evans is an international consultant in Leadership and Coaching, with 30 years of experience. She is the Director of the International Certification in Coaching Competencies, a program with the highest accreditation from the ICF at both Level 1 and Level 2 ( This program, offered both in Spanish and English, in a virtual format, has trained groups across Latin America since 2010 and three cohorts of senior executives from the World Health Organization (WHO) in Africa.

Author and Pioneer in Coaching: Laura is the author of two books: "Coaching Leaders: Leverage the power of your Inner Voices to become a Leader" (2012) and "Los Estilos Guerreros: Liderar desde las Voces Interiores" (only in Spanish 2018).

She is a pioneer in the Spanish-speaking world in the transformative Inner Team approach, from which she developed her typology of “The Warrior Styles"©.

Experience: Laura has provided over 4,500 hours of coaching to clients. She also designs and facilitates leadership programs, team building processes, and culture-building programs for organizations ranging from small businesses to public and international entities, transforming the "ego-centered" paradigm into an "eco-centered" one, following U Theory.

Current areas of focus include Coaching for Transitions, training leaders as coaches for cultural transformation, and redesigning leadership to create sustainable and positive changes in organizations, in alignment with the current world environment of fragility, anxiety and non-linear development of events that appear to be incomprehensible.

Education: Laura holds a Master's degree in Adult Education from the University of Hamburg, Germany, a Master's in Education and Communication (ITESM), a specialization in Voice Dialogue, certification in team coaching, training in systems thinking, psycho-corporal therapy and U Theory. Laura is also a Practitioner of the Science of Happiness at Work, based on Positive Psychology. She has also trained in disciplines such as yoga, chi-kung, and Feldenkrais. Laura also explores her inner artist through painting and singing.

Clients: Her clients include emerging companies in consolidation, Fortune 500 organizations, state and federal governments in Mexico, and UN agencies, including the Secretariat, UNHCR, WHO, PAHO, WFP as well as the Ministries of Health in Ghana, Ethiopia and Lesotho.

Our clients in the world

We want to know you!