SINCE 2013

Leadership, coaching, high performance team development, and organizational culture.

Achieve your purpose and develop the highest potential of your organization.

From Querétaro, Mexico, but with an international vocation, the specialists that make up Hagakure develop solutions for clients in the private and public sectors, international organizations, and NGOs.

Hagakure - Lo oculto bajo las hojas

Hidden under the leaves

In Hagakure we honor what the Japanese word and we go one step forward:

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No matter where you are our team is ready to work with you in Spanish, English, German, or French.

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Systemic approach + sustainable goals
We design tailored processes to set the whole system into action towards the transformation goals you want to achieve.
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Inner Team Approach

Empower the strategic leader within, capable of choosing the tactics and the best players to win in any scenario.

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ICF International Endorsement
Our international certification programs in coaching accredited by ICF.


Our community was created by Laura Fierro Evans, MCC to promote lifelong learning to support our clients in reaching 


To contribute building a new mindset, in which all the voices of a system are listened to and are being listened; in which the wills align towards achieving a common goal and in which collaboration and caring for each other constitue the prevailing spirit.


  • Appreciating each different voice within a system.
  • Caring for relationships.
  • Collaboration.
  • Accountability.
  • Being the example of what we want to see in others..

Laura Fierro Evans

She specializes in developing leaders without borders that support their teams.
Laura Fierro - Creadora de Hagakure
For the last 25 years, Laura has been creating interactive and systemic learning environments and tailored intervention processes for large companies and international organizations.

She specializes in developing leaders beyond borders, who help their teams grow and achieve their highest possible performance standards. Through her work with leadership and management teams, Laura promotes collaborative working environments that care equally for people, relationships and results.

Laura created the Warrior Styles® in 2011 to help her clients understand themselves in connection with ancient cultures and ways of being. She helps them discover their incredible inner richness through having a dialogue with their inner selves that allow them becoming leaders of their own inner team.

She belongs to the Encompassworld International Network of Coaches since 2009 for Leadership development in following UN Agencies so far: UN Secretariat, DPKO, WHO, PAHO, UNHCR, ILO, WFP, IFAD. Laura constantly travels to Kenya, Ethiopia, South Africa, Washington, New York, Geneva, and various countries in Latin America to facilitate face-to-face events.

In 2011 she created the International Certification in Coaching Competencies, ACTP (Accredited Coach Training Program) by the ICF, which is facilitated in Querétaro, Mexico by the Hagakure Community.

Laura is author of the books: "Coaching leaders: leverage the power of your inner voices to become a leader" (2014), and "The Warrior Styles: leading from the inner selves" (2018), only available in Spanish.

Our clients in the world

We want to know you!