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Coaches and experts around the world united by the Hagakure philosophy.
Community Members
A network of specialists and experts open to collaboration in different countries around the world, united by the Hagakure philosophy.

Having a transversal education, covering engineering, administration, educational technology and coaching, Monica has specialized in the application of systemic tools to build innovative learning solutions and co-create new relationships, actions and structures for the wellbeing of the people and the achievement of the objectives of the organizations. Based in Mexico City.
Mónica Saravia Mejía, PCCLanguages: Spanish and English.

João masterfully combines his 34-year career in leading positions in international banking and his experience as a coach to offer executives an accompaniment that entails an investment with increasing long-term returns in the personal emotional account. Joao applies systemic tools and conversational intelligence to appeal to the client's inner voice to the actions that lead them to achieve their highest aspirations. Joao lives in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Joao Luiz Pasqual, MCC Languages: Portuguese, Spanish and English.

Pilar has an entrepreneurial vision, after 20 years of experience working in global companies, leading operational and financial areas. She loves supporting leaders in the development of directive competencies and empowering executives and teams. She offers systemic support in strategic planning and its deployment. Mexican with multicultural exposure in Asia and Europe.
Pilar Galván Diaz, PCCLanguages: Spanish and English.

Pilar has a special gift to empathetically connect with anyone. In addition, her talent as a designer moves her to promote a visual harmony around her. She is tireless learner of the human being, and as a specialist in inner team coaching, she accompanies her clients to find that inner voice that leads them to illuminate the possibilities emerging in front of their sight, in order to be creative in their decision making. Pilar lives in Querétaro, Mexico.
Pilar Padilla Villarreal, PCC Languages: Spanish.

Her twelve years of experience supporting leaders and teams from a systemic perspective, promotes in her clients the development of strategic thinking as much as personal growth. She focuses on promoting wellbeing and self-efficacy in individual and organizational levels. Ceci is Peruvian and works in many international projects as a virtual and face to face coach.
Cecilia Cosamalón, MCC Languages: Spanish and English.

Illary has lived in many countries, currently based in Washington. As a master coach of executives and facilitator of learning and leadership processes with more than 15 years of experience, she incorporates that wide vision she has of life to accompany her clients so they value their own diversity and move effectively in highly changing and demanding environments in companies and international organizations.
Illary Quinteros, MCCLanguages: Spanish and English.

Maxi combines in her work her strong business perspective with her intercultural coaching and consulting experience. As a German living in Querétaro, Mexico, she offers a valuable shift and understanding of perspectives that her clients especially appreciate. She defines herself as a passionate learner of life and its diversity.
Maxi Hiedemann, PCC Languages: German, Spanish and English.

Virginie is French, has experience in Europe and Mexico, currently resides in France. She has more than 20 years of international professional experience, both in the automotive industry and in the area of training, human development and coaching. She is a multicultural Coach, with natural empathy and dynamism, who has the passion to accompany her clients so that they achieve the expression of their full potential. She works connected to the deep values of her clients, relying on powerful and creative techniques, and accompanies each person who decides to access his/her highest potential.
Virginie Deshayes, PCC Languages: French, Spanish, and English.

She is characterized by her taste for learning, entrepreneurship and her high level of energy, moving from plan to action and thus achieving results in an agile and creative way. She enjoys accompanying the integral development of professionals through coaching processes and creative leadership workshops. She is recognized in the environment for her delivery of high quality results that promote the permanent development of harmony, well-being and excellence. She is backed by her work as a Coach for almost 10 years, as well as 30 years of experience in management positions in the areas of Training, Consulting, Customer Service and Sales in large transnational companies in the health field. She lives in Mexico City.
Gabriela Llano De La Torre , PCCLanguages: Spanish.

Gisela is a tireless lifelong learner who has lived in various countries and is passionate about multiculturality. Born in Mexico, she studied International Relations and after more than a decade in the academic sector, she decided to get certified as a coach with Hagakure Leadership & Coaching. She has coached people in different countries, from executives to students, to help them explore new ways to find purpose and meaning in their personal and professional lives. She belongs to the Hagakure Community and is also an associate coach at BetterUp and an active member of the International Coach Federation (ICF).
Gisela Wilhelm, PCC Languages: German, Spanish, and English.

Nikola specializes in global virtual leadership and teamwork. She supports multinational organizations in developing a virtual collaboration culture as part of their digital transformation journey. Pragmatic analysis, a strong focus on the client's goals, involving relevant stakeholders and driving the change process are key characteristics of her approach. Based in Cologne, Germany.
Nikola Heidrich, ACCIdiomas: German, English, French.

Ale applies her experience in international companies and her coaching skills to add value to all her clients, so they meet their objectives. As a Project Manager and certified coach, coordinating the diverse Hagakure projects based in Mexico City, she grants the efficiency of the resources always looking for the satisfaction of each of our clients, strengthening our relationship and expanding our labor market.
Alejandra VázquezLanguages: Spanish and English.
Outstanding alumni

Erik specializes in developing teams, executives, and company directors. His experience as senior manager within the automotive industry is complemented by his training as a Professional Coach (ICF, Hagakure) and a certification as Executive Coach from the Tecnologico de Monterrey. Having studied Industrial Engineering and Psychology he has the skills to analyze the problematic situations of independent professionals and organizations from a technical and human point of view. As Mentor he specializes in Project Management, where he contributes to the development of different professionals within this specialty. He frequently offers conferences, workshops, and webinars due to his passion for networking, experience-sharing and, above all, human development.
Erick SchroederLanguages: Spanish and English.

Her passion for human development and her conviction in favor of inclusion have been the driving force of her studies and career. More than 20 years immersed in the formation of better human beings through training and business coaching, institutions for people with special needs, have driven her to the creation of projects with life purpose. Today she is Director and Founding Partner of DECCA. She is an executive coach with international certification and certified in Happiness Coach, advisor and trainer and lecturer for more than 12 years in human capital in different states of Mexico and abroad.
Catalina Rioseco Orihuela Languages: Spanish.

Passionate, reliable and intuitive, Raul is always trying to improve by actively listening, studying and implementing aspects of growth. He has more than 20 years of experience as a consultant and certified auditor in management systems, which has allowed him to meet countless companies and people around the world. He has been a manager in transnational companies, which gives him a key business vision to support companies as a coach and specialized consultant. With his diversity of inner voices and his international experience he accompanies his clients to achieve their goals in a sustainable and effective way.
Raúl G. Mitre Languages: Spanish and English.

Ernesto started his professional career in the Human Resources field with a keen focus on leadership and organizational change. Currently residing in Ontario Canada, where he moved 20 years ago, he has consolidated his business consulting competencies on project management, learning & development, and people change management. Ernesto has worked in public and private-sector industries in different capacities where he has supported leaders and project teams driving change and technology adoption in very diverse organizations. The ACTP certification attained under the amazing Hagakure coaching community means more and better tools to work as an ally in the success of change leaders.
Ernesto Solari Languages: Spanish and English.

Guadalupe is a multifunctional professional with over 15 years experience in Supply Chain, Purchasing, Stock Investments and recently as a Professor/ITESM Business School. She is a well-rounded business coach with multicultural experience that can navigate complex challenges. She is also certified on High Performance Leadership (Cornel University) and Financial Markets (Yale Business School) as well as in Coaching Competencies. Her professional experience and interpersonal skills make a perfect match to perform as an emphatic business coach to help others succeed.
Guadalupe Velázquez Languages: Spanish and English.

He lives in Querétaro, Mexico. He is a person who brings passion and challenge to every project and initiative he embarks on. She has 35 years of professional experience leading and developing multicultural teams to carry out innovative projects. 20 years ago she changed her professional life, starting a successful career in the head hunting industry. She advises corporations in talent management and professionals in career transition & personal marketing. He also works as an executive coach certified by Hagakure. Her mission: "To boost the potential of clients and candidates for a flourishing and meaningful life" with transformative people-centered processes that lead to formidable service experiences.
Juan Carlos Morones Languages: Spanish.

Cuauhtemoc has business experience and provides his clients with a system’s approach so they can observe themselves from different perspectives. He privileges maximizing the focus in balancing the wholeness of the human expression between the daily personal and professional environments. As a certified Hagakure coach, he accompanies his clients to awaken inner selves that were hidden to develop higher levels of consciousness that allow the clients to look at themselves more holistically and from a systemic perspective. He is currently based in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
Cuauhtémoc Castro Languages: Spanish and English.

Mariana's life and professional experience in diverse industries, her artistic touch and her enthusiasm and passion for the human potential have awakened in her the gift of connecting with empathy in a deep level with her coachees. They describe her as someone who is able to partner with them, challenging them with an energy that invites them to discover the incredible potential within. Her international exposure and her passion for languages have allowed her to accompany coachees from different countries, such as: Israel, USA, Italy, Argentina, Spain, and her home country, Mexico. Today, Mariana also helps executives and professionals through their career transition and is deeply committed to empowering women from different cultural backgrounds.
Mariana Morones Languages: Spanish, English, and Italian.

Abril’s unique coaching style helps coachees generate an action plan to address their challenges. Her professional experience includes leading diverse teams across many states in Mexico which gives Abril a heightened insight on how to help individuals with their needs and struggles in life and at work. She has work experience in the food industry (dairy) and in the pharmaceutical industry as a team lead.
Abril Navarrete Valadez Languages: Spanish.

Carmen combines her experience of more than 15 years in the pharmaceutical field in the area of finance, with her passion for the human being, communication, leadership, emotional intelligence and coaching, supported among others, by her Hagakure and her team coach certification, to facilitate in her clients the ability to fly high and land to exceptional results. She is passionate in parachuting and has won so far three national and international records. He lives in Mexico City.
Carmen Fuentes Languages: Spanish and English.

Mati is an Ericksonian Hypnotherapist, Master Inner Team Coach and Master Practitioner in NLP. She has more than 30 years of experience at managerial levels in companies in the Financial Sector, Tourism and Television and Audiovisual Production. She has been a facilitator of courses and workshops at national and international level in global companies. She is passionate about accompanying people and is convinced that every human being has the necessary resources for their growth and well-being.
Matilde CarvajalLanguages: Spanish and English.

Fabiola is an organizational and change management specialist, with special attention on supporting human development. Fabi combines her background being trained as an Inner Team coach, consultant and therapist in order to accompany individuals and organizations through their change processes, and by improving their personal leadership. She lives in Texcoco, Mexico.
Fabiola Pacheco Tellez Languages: Spanish and English.

Hellen has devoted her life to education, since her inner commitment is to transform and enhance the talent of people and teams in organizations. Thanks to coaching, he has found a way to intensely love her life and by skilfully using her talents, she is able to support her clients, both in facilitation and individual processes, in an adventure of recognition that allows them to achieve extraordinary results. She is based in Celaya, Mexico.
Elena Flores Robles Language: Spanish

She holds a PhD in Latin American Studies, in the area of Organizational Culture. She has been a teacher and researcher (UNAM) for more than 35 years. She shares and works with her students so that they can achieve a better personal and professional development in their decision making. She teaches Coaching for the Formation of Highly Productive Teams in the Master's Degree in Finance and International Business and in the Specialization in Human Resources. She is a Coach with two Hagakure certifications, the ACTP and the Master.